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A "Through the Journey" Novel

Years ago I wrote, "Through the Journey" on a piece of paper. I had no idea what it meant at the time or why I even wrote it down. As the years went by, it hit me that "Through the Journey" is life’s journey. A journey with no defined beginning, middle, or end. What you do on that journey matters and it has an impact on others. Once I understood that there is power in sharing stories it was easy to see why I have always been passionate about motivating and encouraging others. I just never thought I would be bold enough to share my stories with the world.

I love to journal and from journaling, I began to write stories. That is when my vision for through the journey became clearer. I would make through the journey a series of novels about real-life issues that women face; love, loss, heartbreak, happiness, sadness, and all other kinds of emotions. Books about intimate human experiences. Then I came up with the book title All Things Come to an End.

I started writing the characters. Their personality, quirks, and experiences; from there I was able to expound on their story. Especially Destinee Clark, the main character. Destinee learns through her pain and struggles that some things are beyond her control.

She tries her best to deal with life as it hits her, sometimes being knocked down, but she continues to push through. Proving that sometimes you have to let your faith be stronger than fear which is not always easy. That's what I love about this book. It's real! You can feel everything Destinee experiences. Her ups and downs and how unsure she is about whether she will make it through.

"All things come to an end so there can be beautiful new beginnings." When life hits us, we tend to see past the blessings that come our way because we spend too much time focusing on the bad. Winnie the pooh said it best "Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved". Destinee's story shows how when things get rough along this journey called life. There is only one thing to do, take one step at a time. Don’t take life for granted. Live it with no regrets. But learn along the way.

Pre-orders starting soon!!!

Be blessed!